
Cerulean 生产和供应用于烟草业的设备,包括质量控制仪、测试测量设备等。

About Us

For nearly 80 years, Cerulean has been proud to be the market leader in test and measurement solutions for the tobacco, food and packaging industries.

Cerulean has Sales, Engineer and Service support in Europe, India, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, China and The Americas, with engineers also located in Africa and Pakistan.

We are your global, local supplier.


75 年来,Cerulean 一直是烟草行业市场领先的精密检测和测定设备解决方案的代名词。

Cerulean 致力于与客户合作,为他们的测试需求提供全新的解决方案。Cerulean 利用自己的创新团队对研究和产品开发进行大量再投入。


Cerulean 专注于通过确保我们的所有设备均符合当前的测定标准来为科学界提供支持。




5% club

5%Club Members

Cerulean is proud to be a member of the 5%Club.

The 5% Club is a dynamic movement of employers committed to earn & learn as part of building and developing the workforce they need as part of a socially mobile, prosperous, and cohesive nation. The Club exists to help its members and all employers increase further the number, quality, and range of earn & learn opportunities across the UK.

At the start of 2024, Cerulean has achieved a 6.8% ratio of UK employees who are being supported through earn & learn positions.


Cerulean 倾听客户的意见,努力改善我们生产的产品,全面提升客户体验。 

我们始终保持 1000 多个零部件的库存,我们的目标是服务于我们的客户群,向他们提供零部件、远程技术援助以及一支训练有素的服务工程师队伍。



Cerulean 符合 ISO 9001 和 ISO 17025 标准,采用精益生产技术,并坚持持续改进和六西格玛原则。


Supplier Code of Ethics

As part of the COESIA Group, CERULEAN is driven by the principles of integrity, fair competition and respect for the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate.

The introduction of a Supplier Code of Ethics is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship among the companies within the COESIA Group and a relevant share of their stakeholders, defining both the guidelines that govern the relationship between COESIA and its suppliers and the standards for which COESIA requires respect world-wide.


Cerulean 凭借在美洲、非洲、欧洲和亚洲的技术服务能力,提供全面的服务包,持续支持其全球客户网络。

Cerulean 通过技术娴熟的工程师和技术人员提供咨询服务,他们可帮助您找到满足您不断变化的检测需求的最佳解决方案。从标准的 Cerulean 产品到为满足您的检测需求而改进的专业设备,Cerulean 可提供持续、全面的支持服务包。