利用 Cerulean 的维护产品组合可最大限度地提高设备效率。
Cerulean 会以娴熟的技能和技术知识在设备的整个生命周期内继续满足您的需求,以确保您的设备以最佳状态运行。
利用 Cerulean 的维护产品组合可最大限度地提高设备效率。
Cerulean 会以娴熟的技能和技术知识在设备的整个生命周期内继续满足您的需求,以确保您的设备以最佳状态运行。
Cerulean XpertWorldAssist 是一项专为减少影响设备的计划外停机时间而设计的新服务。这项服务使我们的技术支持人员能够直接与您现场的技术人员联系,使用先进的增强现实技术提供专家帮助。
Cerulean 可以帮助您在需要时将设备转移到工厂内的新位置或全球范围内的新地点。我们的工程师将对设备进行全面检测,然后做好设备运输准备,包括包装和装箱,确保以最安全的方式运送 Cerulean 设备。
Your Service Agreement is not just an agreement; it's your assurance of peak performance for your Cerulean equipment. It serves as a cornerstone of confidence, ensuring that every aspect of your machinery is meticulously optimised to deliver the highest standards of operation. With this agreement in place, you can rest assured that your equipment is always equipped with the latest software advancements, continuously fine-tuned to meet evolving industry demands and technological innovations.
Under your service agreement, you gain access to priority support for technical assistance and base repair services. This ensures that any issues or concerns with your equipment are promptly addressed, minimising downtime and maximising operational efficiency. Our dedicated team is committed to providing swift and reliable assistance, ensuring that your operations remain smooth and uninterrupted.