The Vaping solutions comprise a range of instruments offering machines and equipment for vaping electronic cigarettes, Tobacco Heated Products, and cannabis vape devices. The machines offer the user the ability to program a vaping routine for establishing the delivery of various products.The user can select puff shape, volume, duration, interval, and the number of puffs taken allowing capture on a filter pad, electro-static precipitator, or by impingers for offline chemical analysis.Some of the CETI range can be used in accordance with CRM81.The CETI CF is a 5-channel continuous aerosol generation device.
- ATMS - Aerosol Temperature Measurement System
- for measuring the temperature of the aerosol produced by vaping devices
- 1-channel vaping machine conforming to CRM81 and ISO20768:2018
- 8-channel vaping machine conforming to CRM81 and ISO20768:2018
- 5-channel continuous aerosol generation machine conforming to CRM81 and ISO20768:2018
- EDS - End-point Detection System
- for detecting the aerosol produced by vaping devices
- SM450e
- 20-channel vaping machine confirming to CRM81 and ISO20768:2018