The Solo range is part of the established Quantum family which brings improved efficiency for precise Quality Control testing of cigarettes and filters. With many measurement shelf options to choose from, users can customise the Solo system to meet their own specific needs by selecting a shelf with a precise focus to target a particular area of measurement.
There are 18 module measurements available - please see individual datasheets for further information about the Solo shelves.
Datasheets are available for the Solo Test station and specific measurement shelves, these can be viewed or downloaded using the links below.
- A: Ventilation and Pressure Drop (Auto-calibration Pressure Drop) - Cigarette
- B: Pressure Drop - Filter (vacuum)
- C: Diameter Size - Laser
- D: Pressure Drop (Auto-calibration Pressure drop) - Filter (vacuum)
- E: Pressure Drop - Filter (pressure)
- G: Non-contact length
- H: Hardness
- J: Ventilation and Pressure Drop (Auto-calibration Pressure Drop and Ventilation) - Cigarette
- K: Moisture and Density - Cigarette
- M: Moisture - Filter
Q: X-ray
- S+: Multi-position diameter Size - Laser
- T: Circumference size - Tape
- U: Moisture, Density and Length
- V: Ventilation and Pressure Drop - Cigarette
- W: Individual weight
- X: Individual weight (Auto-calibration)
- Y: End-form analyser