SM4XX Upgrades

SM4XX Upgrades

Upgrade your SM4XX smoking machine with these kits


Air velocity device for your smoking machine

Measure the air velocity on your smoking machine with this digital omnidirectional airflow measurement device.
The VPS104D complies with ISO 3308 and is designed to be correctly positioned within a smoking machine to measure the turbulent and laminar airflow past cigarettes during regulated and R&D smoking experiments.

VPS104D Air Velocity Measurement Assembly.

Stock code: 99872

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SM4xx Win 10

SM4xx Windows 10 upgrade

Upgrade your Windows 7 smoking machine to Windows 10 with this kit.

Upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 Operating System (for new smoking machines sold with Windows 7 OS).

Stock code: 99282

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SM4xx Win 10

SM4xx Windows 10 upgrade

Upgrade your Windows XP smoking machine to Windows 10 with this kit.

Upgrade Kit SM4xx PC Windows 10 from Windows XP - PLC Version S5 or 6BF04 or Previous - Mounting Arm Kit Included.

Stock code: 93526

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SM4xx CO Analyser upgrade

Upgrade your existing smoking machine to include the latest Carbon Monoxide analyser from Horiba.

Field Upgrade Kit SM4xx to Horiba COA 2000PPP v/v FSD.

Stock code: 93962


21CFRpart11 software for SM450e

The Cerulean 21CFR PART 11 software upgrade for SM450e is available for customers wishing to comply with 21CFR Part 11 directive - Code of Federal Regulations, title 21.  The directive governs food and drug products within the US for the FDA and other agencies.

Stock code: 98402

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