C2 Range

The C2 range offers an advanced test station for cigarette and filter measurement.


  • TECNOLOGÍA: Physical Testing
  • INDUSTRIA: Tobacco
  • SEGMENTO: Filters, Cigarettes, Heat-not-burn, Hybrid


​The C2 has an array of over thirty measurement parameters available to the user including weight, physical parameters, moisture and density, pressure drop and ventilation, many with auto-calibration.

Sampling options include auto-sampling for continuous unattended measuring, a hopper for manual batch measurements and an auto-hopper with 24 buckets for allowing unattended measurements of varied sample batches.


Profundidad máquina (mm)360
Altura máquina (mm)900
Longitud de la máquina (mm)570
Peso de la máquina (kg)60
Attached Files
C2 Auto sampling Testing Unit datasheet.pdfDESCARGAR Y LEER
C2 Testing Unit - Hopper Version datasheet.pdfDESCARGAR Y LEER
Virtual Cigarettes datasheet.pdfDESCARGAR Y LEER
C2 Multi-hopper Testing Unit datasheet.pdfDESCARGAR Y LEER