E-cig Testing

E-vapour Testing



The SM450e is a 20-channel high-throughput vaping machine that conforms to ISO20768:2018 and with CORESTA recommended method (CRM81).

Equipped with features such as automatic button activation for pre-activating electronic devices, angled vaping with the ability to vape at 15° intervals between +90° and -90°, End-point Detection System (EDS) for real-time monitoring of aerosol density, and 21 CFR part 11 for compliance with the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) stringent data security regulations.

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CETI Range

The CETI range (Cerulean E-Cigarette Testing Instrument) of instruments are vaping machines that conform to ISO20768:2018 and with CORESTA recommended method (CRM81)

Offering options of 1, 5, or 8 channels, the range of machines are all equipped with features such as automatic button activation for pre-activating electronic devices, angled vaping with the ability to vape at 15° intervals between +90° and -90° and options of End-point Detection System (EDS) for real-time monitoring of aerosol density is available.

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