Another machine for the CETI range! The CETI1
E-cigarette, Vape, Cannabis Vape, and Heated Tobacco Products
The CETI1 (Cerulean E-Cigarette Testing Instrument) provides one port for testing either one electronic cigarette/vape device, one cannabis vape device, or one Heated Tobacco Product (HTP) device, and is compliant with ISO20768:2018. The CETI1 offers the user the ability to program a puffing routine for establishing delivery from various e-cigarette/vape, cannabis vape, and HTP devices.
The User can select puff shape, volume, duration, interval, and the number of puffs taken allowing capture on a Cambridge Filter Pad or by Electrostatic Precipitator Trap, or impingers for off-line chemical analysis. The software is supplied on a memory stick which can be inserted into a USB port of a standalone laptop PC running a Windows 10™ operating system. The operating system allows for the user to export the experimental data as CSV files.